Munchkin Big Box cover
Number of Players
Play Time
1-2 hours
Recommended Ages
Not for small children

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Munchkin Big Box set icon

Munchkin Big Box

Designed by Steve Jackson, Andrew Hackard, Devin Lewis, and Will Schoonover • Illustrated by John Kovalic

A Collector's Edition of Munchkin – completely illustrated by John Kovalic. Includes more than 650 cards, two game boards, wooden meeples, six dice, a storage tray to hold it all, and more!
Suggested Retail Price $124.95
Stock # SJG1568 * UPC 091037863386
March 2025

What’s more deluxe than Deluxe? You’re looking at it!

Munchkin takes the classic fantasy roleplaying experience of going down in the dungeon to fight every monster you meet and boils it down to the best parts. Along the way, you’ll also have plenty of chances to stab your friendly rivals in the back and steal their stuff. Fast-playing and silly, Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria.

If you’re new to Munchkin, the Munchkin Big Box is the ultimate starting point for a Munchkin collection. If you're already neck deep in Munchkin cards, this box is a great way to celebrate your love for everything Munchkin! Inside you’ll find a pile of classic cards, as well as some cards you’ve never seen in the dungeon before.

 There are also new boards, meeples, and other great Munchkin items.

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