Munchkin 2 — Unnatural Axe cover
Number of Players
Play Time
1-2 Hours
Recommended Ages

Expansion Icon

Munchkin 2 — Unnatural Axe set icon

Munchkin 2 — Unnatural Axe

Designed by Steve Jackson • Illustrated by John Kovalic

112 cards in a tuckbox.
Suggested Retail Price $19.95
Stock # SJG1410 * UPC 837654320457
June 2024

112 more cards for the game of killing monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Orcs! Face foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demon. Equip yourself with dread armor like the Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty weapons like Druid Fluid, the Slug Thrower and, of course, the terrifying Unnatural Axe . . . and show them who's the greatest munchkin of all.

Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe is a supplement to Munchkin; you will need the original game to play. Or you could add it to any of the other Munchkin game sets instead. It'll work, and it'll be silly, and that's what we all want here.


  • Munchkin FAQ
  • Munchkin Errata
  • Munchkin 2 – Unnatural Axe Rules (5.57 MB pdf)
  • Doors (66)

    • Annihilation
    • Brood
    • Cat Girl
    • Cheat!
    • Cleric
    • Crawling Hand
    • Curse! B.O.
    • Curse! Big Feet
    • Curse! Cursed Thingy
    • Curse! Cursed Thingy
    • Curse! Fool's Gold
    • Curse! Generosity
    • Curse! Lose a Big Item
    • Curse! Lose a Small Item
    • Curse! Necrophobia
    • Curse! New Edition Rules
    • Curse! Tiny Hands
    • Dead
    • Dead Broke
    • Deck Of Too Many Things
    • Dwarf
    • Elf
    • Find A Map
    • Friendly
    • Frost Giant
    • Fungus
    • Giant Cockroach
    • Giant Skunk
    • Grassy Gnoll
    • Half-Breed
    • Halfling
    • Hydrant
    • Jabberwock
    • Judge Fredd
    • Lust Monster
    • M.T. Suit
    • Mommy
    • Monster The GM Made Up Himself
    • Moon Maidens
    • Orc
    • Orc
    • Orc
    • Orc
    • Piñata
    • Plague Rats
    • Psycho Squirrel
    • Pterodactyl
    • Santa
    • Scary Clowns
    • Sleeping
    • Snot Elemental
    • Super Munchkin
    • Teddy Bear
    • Tentacle Demon
    • The Mighty Germ
    • The Shadow Nose
    • Thief
    • Thing With A Name So Long There's No Room For A Picture On the Card
    • Undead
    • Wandering Monster
    • Wandering Monster
    • Warrior
    • Were-Turtle
    • Wizard
    • (Blank)
    • (Blank)

    Treasures (46)

    • Baby Oil
    • Bag of Caltrops
    • Barbecue Fork
    • Blessed Mallet of St. Eeeeeeuuuuuuuuw
    • Boomdagger
    • Coat of Arms
    • Contemplate Your Navel (GUAL)
    • Cute Shoulder Dragon
    • Druid Fluid
    • Fake Beard
    • Familiar
    • Fold, Spindle, and Mutilate (GUAL)
    • Funny-Looking Sword
    • Garage Sale
    • Helm of Peripheral Vision
    • Itching Powder
    • Knight Light
    • Lawn Roller
    • Lemming Juice
    • Loaded Die
    • Loaded Die
    • . . . of Doom!
    • Pay For The Pizza (GUAL)
    • Potion of Cowardice
    • Potion of Disbelief
    • Potion of Flight
    • Promise The GM You'll Stop Telling Him About Your Character (GUAL)
    • Raincoat
    • Scary False Teeth
    • Siege Engine
    • Skull Helmet
    • Slug Thrower
    • Spiked Codpiece
    • Switch Character Sheets (GUAL)
    • Sword of Slaying Everything Except Squid
    • Tinfoil Hat
    • Trojan Horse
    • Tweezers of Terror
    • Unnatural Axe
    • Unnecessary Roughness (GUAL)
    • Very Holy Book
    • Wash The GM's Car (GUAL)
    • Wishing Ring
    • Your Shoe's Untied!
    • (Blank)
    • (Blank)
  • Last updated June 19, 2017

    Errata to Be Corrected in the Next Printing

    Curse! Tiny Hands now reads: "You cannot carry any Item that requires more than one Hand."

    Corrected Errata

    Corrected in the 20th Printing

    Curse! Tiny Hands now reads: "You cannot carry any Item that requires more than one Hand."

    Moon Maidens text changes from "Use no weapons in this fight." to "You get no benefits from weapons in this fight."

    Corrected in the 12th Printing

    On the Potion of Cowardice, replace "PC(s)" with "munchkins."

    Corrected in the 5th Printing

    The Sleeping card should also say "(Minimum Level 1).". [Note: As of the 11th printing, this is no longer valid.]

    Corrected in the 2nd Printing

    The Giant Skunk now says:

    Your "friends" won't get within 20 yards while you fight the Giant Skunk. They may not help you, backstab you, or use any cards either for or against you – except for Wandering Monsters and monster enhancers.

    Bad Stuff: Sprayed! Nobody will help you in a fight until you get rid of all clothing and armor now in your possession. Their Gold Piece value is halved.

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