Munchkin Digital

Munchkin Digital from Dire Wolf!
Suggested Retail Price $14.99
Stock # 0000 * UPC
December 2022

Kill the monsters! Steal the treasure! Stab your buddy!

Dire Wolf Digital, in partnership with Steve Jackson Games, has brought the murderous mischief of the iconic tabletop card game Munchkin to digital devices!

Go down to the dungeon. Kick Down the Door. Kill everything you find. Backstab your friends. Steal the treasure and run.

With millions of copies sold around the world, Munchkin is the mega-hit card game about dungeon adventure with none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield the Staff of Napalm . . . or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the Drooling Slime, and work your way up to the Plutonium Dragon!

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