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Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe cover
Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe
October 2015

Munchkin Steampunk Kill-O-Meter cover
Munchkin Steampunk Kill-O-Meter
October 2015

Munchkin Undead cover
Munchkin Undead
October 2015

Munchkin Comic Issue #10 cover
Munchkin Comic Issue #10
October 2015

The Official Munchkin Bookmark of Gleeful Regifting! cover
The Official Munchkin Bookmark of Gleeful Regifting!
October 2015
Hireling: Cavalry Captain Munchkin Promo Card cover
Hireling: Cavalry Captain Munchkin Promo Card
May 2015
The Official Munchkin Adventure Time 2 Bookmark of Daring Dungeon Delving! cover
The Official Munchkin Adventure Time 2 Bookmark of Daring Dungeon Delving!
May 2015
Munchkin Cthulhu 3 — The Unspeakable Vault cover
Munchkin Cthulhu 3 — The Unspeakable Vault
December 2023

Palm Tree Munchkin Promo Card cover
Palm Tree Munchkin Promo Card
May 2015
Munchkin Smash Up cover
Munchkin Smash Up
September 2015

Munchkin Nightmare Before Christmas cover
Munchkin Nightmare Before Christmas
September 2015

Munchkin Fu cover
Munchkin Fu
September 2015

Munchkin Treasure Hunt cover
Munchkin Treasure Hunt
September 2015

The Official Munchkin Oz Bookmark of the Terrible Twister! cover
The Official Munchkin Oz Bookmark of the Terrible Twister!
September 2015
Munchkin Bites! 2 — Pants Macabre cover
Munchkin Bites! 2 — Pants Macabre
September 2015

Munchkin Comic Issue #9 cover
Munchkin Comic Issue #9
September 2015

Munchkin Legends 3 — Myth Prints cover
Munchkin Legends 3 — Myth Prints
September 2015

Super Munchkin 2 — The Narrow S Cape cover
Super Munchkin 2 — The Narrow S Cape
September 2015

Pumpkin King Munchkin The Nightmare Before Christmas Promo Card cover
Pumpkin King Munchkin The Nightmare Before Christmas Promo Card
September 2015
Munchkin Dragon's Trike cover
Munchkin Dragon's Trike
September 2015

Cash Cow Munchkin Promo Card cover
Cash Cow Munchkin Promo Card
April 2015
Boom Box Munchkin Promo Card cover
Boom Box Munchkin Promo Card
April 2015
John Kovalic Draws a Wandering Monster Munchkin Promo Card cover
John Kovalic Draws a Wandering Monster Munchkin Promo Card
April 2015
Rollback Munchkin Promo Card cover
Rollback Munchkin Promo Card
April 2015
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