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Recent munchkin Releases

Munchkin Reloaded cover
Munchkin Reloaded
December 2010

Annihilation Munchkin Quest Promo Card cover
Annihilation Munchkin Quest Promo Card
July 2010
Munchkin Booty: Fish & Ships cover
Munchkin Booty: Fish & Ships
November 2010

Professor Tesla's Electrical Protective Device (pat. pending) Munchkin Steampunk Promo Card cover
Professor Tesla's Electrical Protective Device (pat. pending) Munchkin Steampunk Promo Card
August 2010
Munchkin: Santa's Revenge cover
Munchkin: Santa's Revenge
October 2010

The Official Munchkin Bookmark of Stocking Unstuffing cover
The Official Munchkin Bookmark of Stocking Unstuffing
October 2010
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