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The Official Munchkin Panic Bookmark of Free Masonry

Illustrated by John Kovalic

This bookmark was released to promote Munchkin Panic.

Official Rules

You may use this bookmark in any game of Munchkin or its sequels, or in Munchkin Panic. You may use only one bookmark (of any kind) per game unless (in a Munchkin game) you change sex, in which case you may use a second bookmark. You may not use more than two in a game, no matter what.

  1. Show everyone the bookmark so they can satisfy themselves that it is what you say it is, and that it has not been ripped up.
  2. In Munchkin: Play this bookmark after you have failed to Run Away from a monster. You (and your helper) automatically escape all remaining monsters in the combat. If any of those monsters included Death in their Bad Stuff, you must rip the bookmark in half.
  3. In Munchkin Panic: You may use this to prevent a wall or tower from being destroyed when a monster collides with it. The monster still takes the damage it would have taken, but bounces back into the space it occupied.


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