The Official Munchkin Conan Bookmark of Barbaric Bludgeoning!

Illustrated by John Kovalic

This bookmark was released to promote Munchkin Conan.

Official Rules

You may use this bookmark in any game of Munchkin or its sequels. It may be used during any combat on your turn. You may use only one bookmark (of any kind) per game unless you change sex. If you change sex, you may use a second bookmark. You may not use more than two in a game, no matter what.

  1. Show everyone the bookmark so they can satisfy themselves that it is what you say it is, because they really won't be able to read it when you’re done.
  2. Stand up, raise your hands to the heavens, and cry "BY CROMMMMMMMM!"
  3. As you yell, tear this bookmark into pieces and drop them on the table. You may keep tearing as long as your voice holds out.
  4. You have a +1 bonus in the current combat for every piece of bookmark that lands on the table. Pieces that miss the table do not count.


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