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The Official Munchkin Bookmark of Funko Funtimes!

This bookmark was released to promote the Munchkin toys from Funko.

Official Rules

You may use this bookmark in any game of Munchkin or its sequels. It may be used at any time when you are in combat. You may use only one bookmark (of any kind) per game unless you change sex. If you change sex, you may use a second bookmark. You may not use more than two in a game, no matter what.

  1. Show everyone the bookmark so they can satisfy themselves that it is what you say it is and has not been taped back together.
  2. Stand up and shout, "IT'S FUNKO FUNTIME!"
  3. Tear the bookmark in half while you shout. You get no bonus if you don't shout AND tear!
  4. Having made a public spectacle of yourself, you get +1 for each official Funko toy you can set on the table, up to a maximum of 10 toys. Double the bonus for each official Munchkin Funko toy!


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