Coming To A Store Near You PLUS Munchkin #13 Reminder

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Last week, we shipped two games from our primary warehouse to distributors, and both of them should be on the shelves of your Friendly Local Game Store within a couple of weeks!

First is the second printing of Munchkin Princesses. This was a very popular booster and sold out more quickly than we expected, so we decided to reprint it! This printing is on a blister card, rather than in a foil pack, so look for it on the pegs with the other Munchkin expansions. (While you're there, why not grab some Munchkin Knights to go along with it?)

The other is a new Munchkin game: Moop's Monster Mashup! This very silly set, designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by Ian McGinty, introduces the meddlesome mystic, Moop, and his crazy crammed-together creations. Use the Tiger-Tooth Saber and the Beaver Cleaver to fight the Kangarooster and the Drizzly Bear. This is a full game for three to six players. We did a shorter print run than usual, so we don't expect this game to last long on shelves!

Munchkin #13 Promotion Coming to an End

At the start of this year, Boom's Munchkin comic book transitioned from carrying exclusive cards to offering promo codes for special items available only through Warehouse 23. Month after month in 2016, readers of the Munchkin comic have laughed at the exploits of Spyke and Flower and then taken advantage of the opportunity to add new Munchkin zaniness to their game sessions. Unfortunately, these promo codes come with experation dates . . . and the code for Munchkin #13 is going to expire this week!

If you already own Munchkin #13, then please add The Munchkin Bookmark of Vermicular Violence to your Warehouse 23 order and use the code today so that you don't miss out on this limited offer. Those of you who have not yet snagged this issue can still get the bookmark as long as you order the comic immediately; we automatically add in the limited promotional items with Munchkin comic orders at Warehouse 23, but once a code expires we will stop including the items with orders of the issue.

Fair warning: the countdown starts all over again right away since the code in Munchkin #14 expires in about a month. You have been warned!

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