The Good, The Bad, and the Munchkin
Designed by Steve Jackson • Illustrated by John Kovalic
Boxed game with 168 cards, rules, and die.
Suggested Retail Price $24.95
Stock # SJG1454 *
UPC 837654320778
October 2015
Oh, give me a home where the Jackalopes roam
And the Dudes and the Buckaroos play,
I'll slay and I'll loot, give the monsters the boot,
And the dice are not loaded, no way.
The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin opens a whole new frontier -- the Wild West! Forget dragons and goblins -- Jackalopes and Davy Croc have just as much treasure. Those plains may seem wide open, but there's lots of monsters to kill, and lots of stuff to take.
Become a Cowboy with a Twenty-Gallon Hat, or an Indian on a Catamount. Fight Wild Bill Hiccup, the Killer Jalapeño, and a Barber Shop Quartet. Take The Annual Bath for an extra level. Or just pal around with your sidekick the Greenhorn, until you sacrifice him to distract a monster.
The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin is a stand-alone Munchkin game. Steve Jackson and John Kovalic have teamed up again to put puns to paper like no one else can. Head 'em up and move 'em out, and get ready to wander the Grim Roper into somebody else's combat, and make him Rootin' Tootin' for +10 . . .
- Munchkin FAQ
- Munchkin Errata
- The Good, The Bad, and The Munchkin Rules (1.05 MB pdf)
Doors (98)
- Armadillo
- Barber Shop Quartet
- Bat Masterson
- Buckaroo
- Catamount
- Cheat!
- Cheating Varmint
- Cigar Store Indian
- Claim Jumper
- Clamity Jane
- Cowboy
- Cowboy
- Cowboy
- Cowboy
- Cowpuncher
- Coyote
- Daniel Boom
- Davy Croc
- Diamondback Rattler
- Dude
- Dude
- Dude
- Dude
- Dust Devil
- Ghost Rider
- Gila Monster
- Gol-Darned
- Grizzly Bear
- He Went That-A-Way!
- High-Falutin'
- Hobby Horse
- Hopalong Cavity
- Horse Thief
- Horse Trader
- Horse With No Name
- Hung-Over
- In-Laws
- Indian
- Indian
- Indian
- Indian
- Jackalope
- Jackass
- Judge Lynch
- Killer Jalapeño
- Loco Weed
- Longhorn
- Lost My Dog, Lost My Horse, Lost My Woman
- Mechanical Bull
- Medicine Show
- Mexican Standoff
- Ornery
- Outlaw
- Outlaw
- Outlaw
- Outlaw
- Paint Horse
- Paul Bunion
- Pecos Bull
- Quarter Horse
- Ranch Hand
- Rip-Snortin'
- Riverboat Gambler
- Rootin' Tootin'
- Sidekick: Boysenberry Finn
- Sidekick: Crusty Old Prospector
- Sidekick: Greenhorn
- Sidekick: Schoolmarm
- Sidewinder
- Smoke Signal
- Sock Holliday
- Stampede
- Super Munchkin
- Super Munchkin
- The Grim Roper
- The Loan Arranger
- Thunderbird
- Train Robber
- Trap! A Mite Bewildered . . .
- Trap! Ambush
- Trap! Barbed Wire
- Trap! Broken Leg
- Trap! Cattle Drive
- Trap! Dance!!!
- Trap! Dead Man's Hand
- Trap! Fire Ants
- Trap! Flash Flood
- Trap! Scorpion in Boot
- Trap! The Old Mine Shaft
- Trap! Tornado
- Tumbleweed
- Wandering Monster
- Wandering Monster
- Wandering Monster
- Wandering Monster
- Western Onion Telegram
- Wild Bill Hiccup
- Wyatt Urp
Treasures (70)
- Beat A Dead Horse (GUAL)
- Belt Buckle Gun
- Black Hat
- Blunderbuss
- Bow
- Bow Tie
- Bowie Knife
- Bowler Hat
- Branding Iron
- Bullwhip
- Chewing Tobaccy
- Chuck Wagon
- Civil War Cannon
- Code of the West
- Cow Chip
- Crummy Old Boots
- Deputy's Badge
- Deputy's Badge
- Derringer
- Dude Wrench
- Duster
- Eat What You Kill (GUAL)
- Exterminate A Bison Herd (GUAL)
- Filthy Serape
- Firewater
- Fool's Gold
- Gatling Gun
- Get A Long Little Doggie (GUAL)
- Get New Indian Name (GUAL)
- Huge Belt Buckle
- Lasso
- Lickety Split!
- Little Big Horn
- Loaded Die
- Lost Spanish Treasure
- Medicine Armor
- Moccasins Of Silence
- My Grandpappy's . . .
- Patent Medicine
- Peace Pipe
- Quick-Draw
- Ranch Dressing
- Ride Into The Sunset (GUAL)
- Saddle Bags
- Saloon Furniture
- Saturday Night Boots
- Secret Recipe Chili
- Seven-Gun
- Sheriff's Badge
- Shoot The Piano Player
- Shotgun
- Six-Gun
- Smart
- Spurs
- Steam-Powered
- Stovepipe Hat
- Straight Razor
- Ten-Gallon Hat
- The Annual Bath (GUAL)
- Tomahawk
- Twenty-Gallon Hat
- Visit the Attic
- War Bonnet
- War Paint
- White Lightning
- Win The Rodeo (GUAL)
- Wishing Ring
- Wishing Ring
- . . . With Unlimited Ammo
- Yee-HAW! (GUAL)
Last updated July 28, 2017
Errata to Be Corrected in the Next Printing
On p. 5 of the rules, under "Sidekicks and Sex," "hireling" should be "Sidekick."
You can't wear more than one Deputy's Badge.
Peace Pipe should read "all other cards are returned to those who played them."
Add a subhead under "Monsters," on p. 5:
Undead Monsters
Several monsters in this set are tagged Undead. You may play any Undead monster from your hand into combat to help any other Undead, without using a Wandering Monster card. If you have a card that can be used to make a monster Undead, you may play it with a non-Undead monster to use this rule.
Corrected Errata
Corrected in the 5th Printing
Saddle Bags and Smart should say "Steed Enhancer."
Corrected in the 3rd Printing
In the rules, the sentence "You may carry any number of Items," should read "You may carry any number of small items, but only one Big one. (Any item not designated Big is considered Small.)"
- Retailer Resources for Munchkin