October Means It's Time for Munchkin

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Of course, that's true of every month, but October is especially good because everyone's getting excited about Halloween (or at least the post-Halloween candy sales) (I admit nothing). With all manner of evil nasties in the zeitgeist, this is the perfect time to explore some of the Munchkin games and expansions that go especially well with the season. If you haven't picked any of these up, talk to your Friendly Local Game Store or come visit us at Warehouse23.com.

For pure Munchkin horror, we have Munchkin Bites! and Munchkin Zombies and their expansions. These sets mix very well, if your brain can get past the idea that you're a vampire/werewolf/etc. AND a zombie. (You're munchkins; you'll figure it out.) For more esoteric horror, we have the entire Munchkin Cthulhu series of games and accessories. If you'd rather fight the living dead than become them, check out Munchkin Undead – this mini-expansion mixes with any Munchkin game. Plus, there's Munchkin Clo– Oh, wait, we haven't announced that one yet. Forget I said anything.

If you prefer the lighter side of Halloween gaming, check out Munchkin Tricky Treats. It's getting a little hard to find, although some stores probably still have copies. It's the only Munchkin game that is guaranteed to have candy in every pack!

And if you want to branch out into some non-Munchkin Halloween games, might I suggest Muertoons and Ghosts Love Candy?

Whatever you end up enjoying this Halloween, we hope it's safe and fun. We want you all to hang around for a long time!

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