Booster Update

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Last week, I talked about having to reprint a bunch of Munchkin stuff. In that post, I didn't mention that the foilpack boosters are ALSO selling well, and that several of them are out of print or very close, because our plan is NOT to reprint the boosters -- the quantities required to make any sort of profit on those sets pretty much mean that a second printing is a losing move. (Certainly any reprint of the boosters wouldn't be soon.)

So if you're waffling on picking up some boosters, especially older ones, you might want to forgo that large coffee at Barstucks one morning pretty soon. We're already out of Marked for Death, Fairy Dust, and Waiting for Santa, and our supplies of MunchkinomiconMonster EnhancersReloaded!, and Santa's Revenge are pretty low. (Friendly Local Game Stores may well still have copies on their shelves, but they won't be getting many more . . .)

I'm not saying those cards will never come back, but reprinting boosters is not in our plans right now. We'd much rather work on the NEW boosters we have coming out in 2013 -- and planned considerably beyond that!

(By the way, if you want to see the complete list of Munchkin boosters we've done, head over to the World of Munchkin Boosters page. Maybe there's one you missed!)

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