A PSA From Your Friends At Munchkin HQ

True munchkins don't believe in sharing anything more than necessary, and that especially applies to infectious micro-organisms. We know it's tempting to get a big group together for a few games of Munchkin (or Pandemic) right now, but please resist the impulse. Practice appropriate social distance. Catch up on your podcasts, books, and that TV show you always meant to watch. Your friends and your Munchkin games will still be around after this crisis has abated.

Toward that end, we have canceled FnordCon. It sucks but we couldn't responsibly continue with our plans when we're all being told to avoid big groups. We'll regroup and try again next year.

As part of our social distancing, pretty much everyone at SJ Games is currently working from home. Direct email, social media, or our help desk is the best way to reach us for the next few weeks, and we ask your forebearach in advance if answers are delayed. (At least there wasn't a flood this time!)

Happier news next week, I promise!

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