Munchkin Thingies Updated

We have a free download on Warehouse 23 called Munchkin Thingies that lists the Classes, Races, etc. found in every Steve Jackson Games Munchkin game or expansion.

Or that's the theory.

Turns out, we've let it fall a bit out of date. So we just uploaded a new version that includes content from Munchkin Grimm TidingsMoop's Monster MashupMunchkin Oz, and MunchkinSteampunk . . . and we included a preview of the new Class and Faction in Munchkin Pathfinder 2! It even covers Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe!

If you have a W23 account and previously downloaded Munchkin Thingies, the new version is already in your download library. If you don't have an account or haven't already downloaded Munchkin Thingies, now is the perfect time!

Reminder: BackerKit Closes In One Week

Speaking of Munchkin Shakespeare, if you wanted to confirm your pledge or you want to preorder Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe and all the other goodies we're producing along with it, you have one more week to sign on to BackerKit and ensure you'll get everything you wanted. Click here to preorder!

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