State Of The Munchkin, November 2014

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We haven't done one of these in a while, and I thought y'all might like to know some of the things going on here at Munchkin HQ.

  • If you missed the big announcement for Munchkin World NYC, you need to check the Daily Illuminator more often! We're working hard to get everything ready for our New York Munchkin fans next February. Be sure to check the DI and Munchkin News frequently for more updates as the event gets closer.
  • A few weeks ago, Phil and I sat down and looked over the 2015-2016 Munchkin release schedule. "We're trying to do too much," we both said at the same time. "And we're competing with our partners at AEG, USAopoly, Fireside Games, and Atlas Games." So we cut WAY back on what we were planning -- back to what was an aggressive release schedule in 2009 or 2010 -- and have opened up more room to develop some new games. Y'all probably won't even notice that we've slowed down with all the other great things that are coming out next year!
  • Visit your local game store in January to pick up our Valentine's Day booster, Munchkin Love Shark Baby. Katie Cook's art is ADORABLE!
  • In February, we're releasing Munchkin Kobolds Ate My Baby, based on the RPG from 9th Level Games. John Kovalic not only illustrated this one, he designed the cards!
  • Munchkin Steampunk keeps chugging along. It's out of playtest and we just got the last batch of awesome art from Phil Foglio! This is going to be a great-looking set, and we can't wait to show it to y'all.
  • Munchkin Adventure Time 2 is also just about done: Steve and I have been working on our final comments for them and we expect it to go to print VERY soon. Just as with the original Munchkin Adventure Time, our pals at USAopoly hit this one out of the park! SLAMACOW!
  • And we have one more announcement to make . . . but it's SO big that we're going to make it next week, rather than bury it at the bottom of this post. See you then!
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