Munchkin Zombies Update

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We haven't talked much about the new set, Munchkin Zombies, so let me rectify that now.

The set is out of playtest (which doesn't mean we aren't still tweaking rules -- we just changed a couple of cards last week!) and all of John's art is in and colored. We have one guest artist: our very own Alex Fernandez, who drew art for Meals On Wheels that is going to keep me up at night. Alex is also responsible for the great card backgrounds and the overall design of the set. Thanks, Alex!

John Kovalic outdid himself drawing the various Atomic, Voodoo, Smart, and Fast Zombies (and all the other types that I'm not ready to spill yet); this may be the most disgusting set of Munchkin cards we've ever done. And Steve gleefully wrote the art specs that John worked from, so he gets his fair share of the blame credit, too. (I dabbled around the edges, so I'm not particularly pure, either.) In fact, we had so many good ideas that we were able to take our very favorites for the core set. What about all the ideas that got discarded during development? Steve and I already have more cards than we need for Munchkin Zombies 2 . . .

Munchkin Zombies will be out next April. Plenty of time to work on your favorite recipe for braaaaaaaaaains.

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