What's New for Munchkin in 2011?
by Andrew Hackard
December 27, 2010
Obviously, I can't tell you everything we have planned, but there are some things I can discuss:
- Zombies! Expect to see Munchkin Zombies in your Friendly Local Braaaaaaaiiiins Store around the start of May. Munchkin Zombies 2 is planned to be out before the end of 2011.
- Boosters! We've already announced Munchkinomicon and Munchkin Monster Enhancers for next spring. We have a couple more boosters planned for next fall, including (by repeated request!) a Halloween-themed booster.
- Accessories! There will be a some new small, impulse-buy products next year . . . which is all I can say for right now.
- Surprises! Or as we like to call them, Random Product Encounters.
It's a little unnerving to be writing in December 2010 that we're already starting to think about our 2012 releases, but it's true . . . including at least one more core set! (We have some ideas for our 2012 core set, but if there's a game you really want to see, hop over to the forums and let us know!)