Igor Needs Our Help!

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Scott Olman, the inspiration for Dork Tower's Igor, is going through a tough patch with some medical bills. To help out, John Kovalic did something he NEVER does: auctioning off the original of a Munchkin cover (in this case, Munchkin Zombies).

This started off as a pointer to get you to go bid, except when Steve heard about it, he said (a) it was a good cause, and (b) if anybody was going to get an original cover it would be US. (And remember Igor's favorite saying: "IT MUST BE MINE!") But we didn't want to pay $2,000, because that's not a Significant Number. $2,300 was better.

So you can't buy that cover any more (though you can see it if you visit Illuminati World Headquarters). But you can still help Scott if you're so inclined. One donation isn't going to cover the bills. Remember: This is a real person. You may love Igor, but Igor is a cartoon character. Scott is real and needs your help. All the details are over on John's blog.

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