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That was the sound of a new Munchkin supplement being broken. We playtested it Saturday with some people who hadn't seen it before, and they uncovered a HUGE hole in one card that rendered the rest of the game less fun for everyone, but especially for two people named Steve and Andrew. (Steve is exactly who you think Steve is, but Andrew was someone else. Confused?) That's the point of playtesting, though -- not making Steves and Andrews unhappy, but finding out what doesn't work -- and so it was a good day, despite a Munchkin game that wasn't as much fun as we'd hoped.

(No, I'm not telling you anything more about it. Yet. And I'm definitely not telling you about the playtest of another Munchkin -- uh, thing -- that worked so well that the slightly bitter taste of the earlier playtest was completely washed away.)

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