Munchkin Thingies Document

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Okay, it's not a new expansion or standalone product, so don't worry about the name. . .

For your reading pleasure, a useful Munchkin resource document listing all of the Munchkin thingies (Races, Classes, Accents and Loyalties), with all their powers, abilities and penalties, as described on the cards, included. Styles, Trainings and Powers, which are all unique (almost), are not included for several reasons. Okay, it's because they are unique (almost) and would make the thing go on for pages and pages and pages, and because often times it's more important to know what the Races, Classes, Accents and Loyalties do more than anything else.

At any rate, this document is up-to-date with all the newest stuff, including something you haven't seen yet -- the Explorer -- which will make its appearance in [fnord].

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