Late Breaking News!

Two items that hit the news earlier today!

Munchkin: Disney!

Our pals at The OP have announced their second Munchkin core set for 2020, and it's Munchkin: Disney! We've been wishing upon a star for this set for a long time . . .

Release date hasn't been announced yet (sometime in 2020, COVID willing) but we'll be sure to pass it on once we know it.

Hunter's Unboxing Cults and Cogs

Over on our Facebook account, Hunter will be unboxing a copy of Munchkin Warhammer 40,000: Cults and Cogs at 2:00 Central Time. There's a lot of fun stuff in that expansion and I can't wait for him to show some of it off! If you can't make the livestream, it will be archived on our Facebook account and you can watch it any time.

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