Munchkin Pathfinder 3 Preorders
Andrew Hackard
August 27, 2019
Last week, we had a successful "Quickstarter" for Munchkin Pathfinder 3 – Odd Ventures. Unfortunately, we couldn't open that crowdfunding campaign up to international backers, which understandably disappointed quite a few people. I'm very pleased, therefore, to announce that we've opened preorders on Warehouse 23 for Munchkin Pathfinder 3, and anyone, anywhere who wants to preorder may do so. This preorder bundle also includes the Munchkin Pathfinder Kill-O-Meter and, as an extra bonus, the Munchkin Pathfinder Goblin Dice pack! Preorders will close September 30 and they are the best way to ensure that you get your game – don't miss out!