Labor Day!

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We're all off work today, enjoying a day off before we all have to come back and finish our prep for a strong fourth quarter. I'm taking an extra day off this year, after wrapping up most of the work on Munchkin Warhammer 40,000, but I'll be back in the office Wednesday to start working on the next set of Munchkin games and expansions for 2019. We've got a good schedule coming up and we'll be sharing it with you in the coming months!

Speaking of 2019, you guys really responded well to Munchkin Starfinder hitting your local game stores . . . so well, in fact, that we had to rush back to the factory for a quick reprint! If your local store can't stock the game, have them check back with us early next year; it should be available then. Or you could point them at the Munchkin Starfinder I Want It All! box, containing everything we made for the Munchkin Starfinder Kickstarter. We aren't planning to reprint that one when it sells out, and we're down to our last few hundred, so don't let that deal drift away!

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