Have You Been Reading Munchkin Musings?

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It's possible some of you don't realize that, in addition to our weekly Munchkin News (which you're reading right now), we have a blog of news about everything happening at Steve Jackson Games. It's called the Daily Illuminator and posts, well, daily.

Every month for the past year and a bit, I've had a news post called "Munchkin Musings" (link goes to the September post) that is a summary of things we've announced here and on our forums and Twitter. If you go back through the Illuminator archives, you can see previous month's posts, or you can trust to Google or your favorite other search engine.

Make sure you're getting all the Munchkin news; watch for Munchkin Musings every month!

-- Andrew Hackard

P.S. If you're reading this on the morning of Monday, September 25, you still have time to back our Kickstarter for Munchkin Holiday Grab Boxes! They come with the 12 Bonuses of Munchkin Christmas rule and a whole lot of extra swag, no matter what your pledge level . . . but the Kickstarter ends at noon on Monday! Check it out now!

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