Three Big Events This Week

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We've got three big events coming up this week that may be of interest to Munchkin fans! (And that doesn't even include Essen Spiele: Phil and Shelli are in Germany right now meeting with dozens of people who want to work with us – or keep working with us – and by all reports they're having a good and productive time.)

Munchkin Starfinder

The first big event is coming later today (October 23) as I write this: we are launching a Kickstarter for Munchkin Starfinder! It has lots of add-ons and cool stuff you can get . . . or you can back at the $60 or $80 pledge levels and be assured of getting all the cool stuff we unlock during the campaign, without having to think about it again.

Munchkin Starfinder is our take on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc. We figured that Munchkin Pathfinder has been such a hit, we should try again, and writing this one was just as much fun as I'd hoped. We can't wait for you to see all the shenanigans the poor little Skittermander gets up to . . .

Halloween Game Day

This Thursday is our annual Halloween game day, where we all sit around and play games and eat delicious food, and some of us also dress up in amusing and/or impressive costumes! (I will be wearing my usual "Guy Who Forgot It Was a Costume Party" outfit. It's a perennial favorite, according to 1 out of 1 Czars I recently polled.) I've got a bunch of new games I'm itching to try out!

Unrivaled Finals

Later this week, I'll be flying out to Las Vegas to help with the final rounds of the Unrivaled Munchkin tournament, including crowning a champion who will win thousands of dollars! (I asked and they said I couldn't play in the tournament. Sigh.) The Unrivaled tournament series has been a whole lot of fun – I got to see them when they brought a regional tournament to Austin, and they even put me on a mic for a few minutes! – and getting to work with them again in Vegas is going to be awesome.

If you're going to be in the tournament, or just going to Vegas for your own reasons, I hope to see you there! (FAQ, answered: I am not bringing any promo swag with me. Please, no muggings.)

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