PAX Unplugged Wrap-Up

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Depending on when you read this, the PAX team may not be home yet; they're flying back on Monday, tired and happy.

(And yes, those pronouns mean that I did not end up going to PAX Unplugged this year. I got a horrible cold the weekend before the show and missed Monday and Tuesday, and I have enough work piled up that I really couldn't justify being out of the office two MORE days. If I'm being totally honest, I wasn't feeling well enough to travel anyway. All of you who would have been sharing my germs, you're welcome.)

From what our team tells me, it was a great show, especially for the first time; we're looking forward to returning next year (and hopefully NOT having to split our staff between PAX and BGGcon). Many games were played and we got to chat with a lot of folks without having to compete with LOUD VIDEO GAME BOOTHS.

It's going to be a short week for us, since Thanksgiving is this Thursday and the office will be closed for the holiday from Wednesday afternoon until next Monday. And then we hit the home stretch, with lots of things that have to go to print before the end of December. Keep your eyes on Munchkin News and the Daily Illuminator for all the updates.

-- Andrew Hackard

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