So Sore, So Incredibly Sore

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I'm back from my week "off." I use the inverted commas because I spent pretty much all of that time packing boxes, moving boxes, moving furniture, and generally being way more active than a desk jockey like myself is used to. (Kudos to the folks at Two Men and a Truck for handling the bulk of my move professionally, carefully, and efficiently – the move was completed in more than an hour under the estimate, with appropriate cost reduction to match. Unsolicited endorsement.)

The day before my "vacation" started, the team gathered in our swanky conference room to go over all the remaining Munchkin Shakespeare components and make sure they were ready to go to print. I'm pleased to report that there were very few tweaks and that everyone came together to send everything last week while I was out "enjoying myself." Special praise goes to:

  • John Kovalic and Lar deSouza, for turning over fantastic artwork;
  • Sabrina Gonzalez, Alex Fernandez, Gabby Ruenes, and Ben Williams, for making the games look outstanding;
  • Miranda Horner, for doing prepress on a frankly unreasonable schedule and saving us from some embarrassing mistakes;
  • and of course Steve, for suggesting the idea of a Kickstarter in the first place.

If you read Devin's update last week, you know that we're making great progress on the Munchkin Collectible Card Game. I can't wait to see what progress they made while I was out!

Time to jump back in the saddle, with a booster for early next year that I can't discuss just yet. But I'll give a hint: the title is Munchkin S_____ D_____[Note from the Illuminati: Full title not available at your clearance.] Steve's working on something exciting that we're about to move into active playtest. Summer time is busy time!

And when I'm not working on Munchkin, I have boxes to unpack. Oooooooooh, my old aching back . . .

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