Shakespeare Wrap-Up, USAopoly, And GAMA

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Three, count 'em, three bits of business this week!

Munchkin Shakespeare Deluxe Wrap-Up

Whew! We ended up with 5,280 backers who raised a total of $295,109. We didn't quite reach the $300,000 stretch goal that would have given us a bigger, rounder gameboard, but we aren't going to let that distract us from the huge success of our first Munchkin Kickstarter. Thanks to everyone who made this happen! 

USAopoly Visit

On Monday, Rhea and I will be visiting the USAopoly office north of San Diego. I've been there several times, but it's Rhea's first visit – I know she'll be impressed! With only one work day in southern California, we have to make the most of it!

GAMA Trade Show

Then, on Tuesday, we'll join the rest of the team at Bally's in Las Vegas for the GAMA Trade Show. This is always a great chance to meet the retailers who sell our games and talk about what will be coming up in the next year or so. As is becoming tradition, we will be hosting a penthouse party for our retail partners and other special invited guests. Anyone who is at GAMA and wants to attend should be sure to go to one of Phil Reed's presentations on Tuesday afternoon to get the details!

This is GAMA's last year in Vegas before shifting to Reno in 2018, so we're going to make sure to do it right!

And, to bring this update full circle, watch our social media to find out about a special Ides of March Shakespeare live video stream coming to you direct from Las Vegas on Wednesday!

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