Happy 2017!

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We're hitting the ground running and looking forward to an exciting year! As always, watch this space for the latest news from Team Munchkin.

We're starting with a busy few days: Chinese New Year is exceptionally early in 2017, so our factory is closing for a month starting next week. We're trying to get some last-minute corrections and approvals in under the wire before that happens. After that, we'll spend the rest of January preparing a bunch of new games to send right after they reopen in February -- the earlier we send them, the earlier our games get placed in the manufacturing queue.

I've got a couple of months without any work travel planned before I head to San Diego for JoCo Cruise 2017 and from there to Las Vegas for the GAMA Trade Show. Time to put on my big-boy game developer pants! (Seriously. They're big. The holidays were unkind to my waistline.)

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