Munchkin Shakespeare Comes To Kickstarter Tomorrow!

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As we told y'all last week, we've been working on Munchkin Shakespeare off and on since the first brainstorming session on JoCo Cruise 2015. After a lot of discussion, we've decided to bring this game to Kickstarter to allow y'all to help bring it to stores. I wrote a Daily Illuminator discussing our reasons, and you can go read it for more details, but the biggest reason is that Munchkin Shakespeare's initial development was crowdsourced, so crowdfunding it now has a certain symmetry to it.

The Kickstarter for Munchkin Shakespeare launches tomorrow. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages to find out the instant it goes live, and watch all our social media, the Daily Illuminator, and Munchkin News for updates over the course of the campaign. We're offering an extra bit of loot to people who back early, so keep checking!

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