Fan Expo!

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Over Labour Day*, I'll be attending Fan Expo Canada in Toronto. Phil Reed and I went to this show a couple of years ago and had a blast, so I've been hoping for a return visit.

I'll be sitting on several panels and hope to have time to playtest some 2018 Munchkin expansions as well. Look for me in the open gaming area when I'm not behind a microphone! Here's my schedule as of today:

  • Crowdfunding Your Concept: Friday, 6:15 p.m., 715B
  • The D&D Panel (moderator): Saturday, 1 p.m., 717A
  • Game Publisher Speed Dating: Saturday, 4 p.m., 712
  • Playing in Someone Else's Sandbox: Sunday, 2:45 p.m., 705

I'm already making plans to obtain Timbits and poutine (not simultaneously), and maybe I'll bring home some wacky Canadian chip flavors, too.

* They insist that's how it's spelled, and who am I to argue with my hosts?

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