Taking A Breather

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As you might expect for a 15th anniversary, 2016 has been (and continues to be) a very busy year for Munchkin. Design and production lead times being what they are, my preparation for all of the goodness this year began right after Gen Con 2015 and didn't slow down much right up through Gen Con 2016 and the month afterward.

One happy result is that I'm way ahead of the schedule for the first time in, um, ever. All Munchkin releases through July 2017 are already at print, and hopefully by the end of October we'll have everything through August 2017 at print or on its way back across the ocean. With this much lead time, it means I get to take a breath and work on some things that often get put on the back burner when we're in a production crunch: bookmarksDesigner's Notes, and some long-term planning that often feels like an indulgence when we're under the gun. Currently, I'm doing some preliminary design work on a 2018 Munchkin game and providing support for both Steve and Devin on their upcoming projects (notably the Munchkin Collectible Card Game, which is starting to see some really fine art coming in from our team). I've even had a chance to make a very tentative schedule through 2020 – it will change, of course, but even having a vague, somewhat inaccurate map is an improvement over not having one at all.

This breather won't last – they never do – but it's nice for now to be able to step back and take a wider and longer view.

(Check this space next week for a festive announcement!)

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