Leap Day!
by Andrew Hackard
February 29, 2016
It's that time every four years when February goes into sudden-death overtime . . . and this year, it's a fifth Monday. Woo!!
Steve, Andreas, and I are on our way home from Florida, having survived another JoCo Cruise adventure. (I'm writing this in advance, so if the ship went down with all hands, pretend I didn't say that.) No time to rest up when we get back; I have the first draft of my next Munchkin project due in mid-March and the next several games and expansions are lined up like dominoes behind it, plus tons of checking and other support for everything already in the production queue. No rest for the weary in the Munchkin card mines!
Hope your Leap Day is everything you want or need it to be. Enjoy it, since we won't have another one until 2020.