I'm Sailing Away
by Andrew Hackard
February 22, 2016
When this posts, I'll be on the second day of JoCo Cruise 2016, working with Steve and Andreas to make sure that everyone coming to the Game Room (sponsored by Steve Jackson Games) is having a great time. Steve and I have several seminars planned, including the ever-popular "What's New at SJ Games" show-and-tell, the second annual "Help Us Write a New Game" panel, and the unveiling of the first draft that came from last year's "New Game" panel, Munchkin Shakespeare. (No release date yet. It's not even on that fantastic schedule I talked about last week.)
Plus we'll all be spending a lot of time just playing games and generally having a blast. It's like a week-long floating convention, only with real food, not food-court "food."
Bookings for JoCo Cruise 2017 are already open, so if you want to spend a week exploring western Mexico on a ship full of other nerds (seriously! next year they have chartered a cruise ship), go check it out!