Munchkin The Collectible Card Game Update

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Hello everyone! We've been pretty quiet about the Munchkin The Collectible Card Game since the announcement at the GAMA Trade Show in March. That's because we've been hard at work, playtesting the cards and all of the possible combinations. There's more balancing involved in a CCG than in a trapeze act. We've had Eric Lang and Kevin Wilson, the designers, on speed dial, and we could not have gotten this far without their design and their help with the development of the game. Thanks, guys!


Of course, CCGs have a lot of moving parts. While all of the testing has been going on, we've also been busy naming the cards and coming up with hundreds of art specs for our talented artists! Those specs are bearing fruit and we've got some truly amazing art coming in that I can't wait to share with you in a future post.


One of the most important steps in developing a game is the writing of the official rulebook. This is one of the most important pieces of our game and we're striving to get it just right. If you can't understand how to play the game, and I'm not leaning over your shoulder to tell you what you're doing wrong, then we've failed the game and we've failed our players. So, no pressure there!


All of that adds up to one thing: Progress! Everything is coming together nicely and we plan to have the game ready for you all to play at Board Game Geek Con this November!


Of course, once we've got this done, we don't get to rest . . . on to the expansions!

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