Housebreaking Munchkin Puppies

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Writing Munchkin Puppies was a lot of fun, even when I thought it would drive me barking mad! I've always been a dog person, so this was right up my tree. There are so many breeds with funny names that half of this set seemed to write itself. Humans have a long history of having dogs as companions, so we have lots of dog-related idioms and aphorisms in English that I could bring to heel for my purposes.

Some of my favorite cards from the set are Bearded CollieDoge, and Salty Dog. As soon as I read Bearded Collie on my big list of dog breeds, the card popped into my head, fully formed, and Katie Cook drew it just as I had imagined it. Her adorable art really nailed the playfulness of this silly set.

What really made the set sit, lie down, and wag its tail was the masterful coloring work of our own Ben Williams. Dog breeds have very specific coloring to them, and Ben made sure to make every spot perfect, every mottle meticulously placed, and every piebald uh . . .  piebald. It took a lot of talent to put Puppies in front of you but every nip and flea dip was worth being dog tired by the end! Woof.

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