Munchkin World NYC Is [Sigh] Over.

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We had a fantastic time and hope everyone who attended did as well. I want to congratulate everyone from SJ Games on their hard work pulling this together -- it was the very definition of a team effort, with everyone on staff involved at one time or another. Thanks, y'all; I'm proud to be working with you. Special thanks to MIBs Sean and Melissa Ferris, who gave up their entire weekend to work in the store with us.

I'm flying back home today (because I've done two trips back to back and I am TIRED) while the rest of the team dismantles the store and comes home tomorrow and Wednesday. It's going to be tough to go back to the dull routine after the excitement of putting our very own New York store together, but we'll manage somehow.

Thanks again to everyone who came by and visited Munchkin World NYC!

OHH, and congratulations to Brian Shanks, the winner of the Munchkin Invitational! The final round was Munchkin Steampunk Deluxe (using a handmade prototype set), and he got to keep the set as his prize . . . or he would have, had he not offered it as a bribe to another player for help in the winning combat. A munchkinly play indeed!

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