Crazy Busy This Week

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This week is our deadline to get everything to print for the rest of 2014, so I expect to have some long days and late nights before all is said and done. We're already well into working on the 2015 schedule -- we have several boosters and several new tuckbox expansions planned, in addition to other secret things I can't talk about yet. It's exciting to be working this far ahead, and we're going to keep trying to move further ahead of the schedule . . . both so we have time to recover in case Cthulhu eats our shipping containers and so we have time to shuffle things around the schedule when Phil Steve Ross someone comes up with a great idea that MUST BE DONE RIGHT NOW.

Fortunately, that's rare.

Apropos of nothing whatsoever, have you picked up Munchkin Journal Pack 1 yet? If not, better hurry . . . our primary warehouse is already sold out.

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