What's Going On In Munchkin Land?

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Lots of stuff behind the scenes, but not a lot we can talk about. We're working on designs for the Munchkin games, expansions, and accessories coming out in the second half of 2014 -- everything for the first half is already at print! We sent several Munchkin items, both new and reprints, off to print earlier this month, so the production team is enjoying a well-earned break from coloring Munchkin art and laying out Munchkin cards. Sam and Phil have cooked up something REALLY cool that I can't wait to show off at conventions next summer. And this week is BoardGameGeek.con in Dallas . . . Ross is flying down from Canada for the show, so we're taking the opportunity to have an all-day Munchkin summit on Wednesday to talk about schedules and plans for Munchkin for the next several years! (Plus, I'm bringing a special guest from the show back to Austin to meet the rest of the team . . . more on that next week!)

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