Munchkin Pathfinder Update

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A quick status report: Munchkin Pathfinder is out of playtest and the cards have been laid out. Since I was out most of last week, one of the first things I have to do this week is look them all over and make suggestions for improvement. (These will be few, because our production team is extremely good at what they do. We're lucky to have them.) I can't wait to show you some of these; John clearly had a ball working on them.

The next things to come up will be finishing the layout of the rules and the box. Once we're happy with everything, it goes off to Paizo for their checks. Assuming no one finds major problems, we're planning to get this to print by Memorial Day. And then it's on to the next thing . . . or, in my case, the next half-dozen things, because why would I make it easy on myself?

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