San Diego!

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Tomorrow, July 16, I'll be hopping a plane to scenic San Diego, California, to attend the San Diego Comic-Con once again. Randy, Ben, and Alex will be doing their usual awesome job demoing games at the Adventure Retail booth, while Phil and I will mostly be taking meetings with various folks. We have a couple of meetings lined up already, and no, we won't be telling you about them -- yet . . .

The crazy, nerdy folk at Geek & Sundry will also be there, focusing their time on specific events each day in their cozy off-site space at Jolt N' Joes, 379 4th Avenue. I'm planing to be there on Thursday, ready to game with (against) all comers! (And I might be hanging out other times as well . . .) Come by the Adventure Retail booth and get your stuff signed, either Friday or Sunday from 4pm to 5pm.

After this trip, I have a whole month to prepare for Gen Con -- come see me on Saturday night at the Munchkin Tavern!

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