Labor Day Weekend Plans

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For a lot of people, Labor Day means a long weekend. For Team Munchkin, it means three conventions simultaneously.

Most of the SJ Games crew will be heading to PAX Prime in Seattle, once again taking over "The Corral" next to the Rock Band stage for demos of all your favorite SJ Games games. This year, we're ceding one table to our friends at USAopoly, who have some cool original games to show off and will probably be happy to talk about Munchkin Adventure Time as well!

Chief Operating Officer Phil Reed, meanwhile, will be meeting up with some of our dedicated Men In Black at Dragon Con. His trip to Atlanta is doing double duty, as he's also visiting the offices of PSI, the folks who do much of the hard work of shipping our games to distributors across North America.

And I will be attending LoneStarCon 3 in San Antonio, practically in our back yard by convention standards. LSC3 is the 2013 Worldcon, and many luminaries of SF and fantasy writing will be there. SJ and Monica will also be going -- check out the Steampunk Chaos Machine! -- and it's possible I might even try to organize a playtest of our newest Munchkin expansion while I'm there.

If you aren't attending one of these three shows, I hope that means you have a relaxing Labor Day weekend planned . . . maybe with some games of Munchkin with friends and family!

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