Google Hangout Thursday

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We're doing something a little different: a Google Hangout this Thursday afternoon, starting at 5:00 Central Time. We're going to take a look at Munchkin Apocalypse and the +6 Bag o' Radioactive Munchkin Dice, tease some of our 2013 schedule, and then take some questions from the crowd. You have to have a Google+ account and add us to your circles (so we can add you back; otherwise, you won't see the announcement). When it's time for the chat, head to our G+ page to get the link to the hangout. Currently, this hangout is not open to everyone because public hangouts can't be saved to YouTube, as far as we can tell -- if we're wrong, please tell us!

If you have questions you'd like answered, you can post them to this thread in our forums, or ask them live during the chat! (You must have installed the Google Voice plugin to join the chat. Google will give you that chance before you try to join the hangout the first time.)

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