Gone To Madison!

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I'll be flying out this morning for five days in scenic Madison, Wisconsin, home of ACD Distribution (who are hosting a Games Day for retailers, which is why we're going up). It's also the home of John Kovalic, and Phil, SJ, and I are taking the chance to spend a couple extra days in his town and make EEEEEEEEEEVIL Munchkin plans for 2012 and beyond. (We thumb our nose at the Mayans!) And, as previously announced, I'll be at Pegasus Games this evening to show off some playtest sets, hand out some promotional loot, and generally enjoy meeting people in a part of the country I've never seen before.

Flames Rising contest update: We have selected winners and Angie the Amazing is in the process of notifying them. Once we've gotten in touch with everyone, we'll announce who those winners are. Thanks to all for your patience while we went to two huge conventions and dealt with everything else that had to get done in the past six weeks. Luckily, after this week, everything slows down for us, and I don't have any major travel planned for a very long time . . . a whole five weeks, in fact, at which time I'll be attending Essen Spiel.

We're thinking about hosting a uStream chat toward the end of the month. Would y'all be interested? Head over to the forums and let us know!

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