Flames Rising Contest Results!
by Andrew Hackard
September 19, 2011
More than a month ago, our friends at Flames Rising ran a contest asking people to submit their favorite Munchkin memory. We had so many great responses that we decided to pick TWO winners for first, second, and third places, as well as six Honorable Mentions. These winners are:
- First Place: Tyler McKinnon and Richard
- Second Place: Brent Martin Jans and Josh Sauer (Mister Ed)
- Third Place: Michael Dyer and Seanstoppable
- Honorable Mentions: Eric, Coarey Trim (of GameKnights-Podcast.com), Scott Picha (Trsevener), Dennis Frank Brokholm, Tim Williamson, and GeekInsight
Thanks, everyone, for sharing your stories!