Andrew on Tour

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Not really, but it does feel that way. Now that I'm back from PAX East (very quick summary: wow, lots of you liked Munchkin Zombies!), I wanted to mention that I've got quite a few other convention appearances lined up this year -- considerably more than past years -- so there's a decent chance I might be heading to your neck of the woods. In chronological order:

April 1-3: ChimaeraCon (San Antonio). This is just about the closest thing to a local con I'll hit this year, so I'm really excited to see some friends from my old home town. I'll be demoing games (probably including some playtests, and definitely including Munchkin Zombies!) all day Saturday, and giving a talk about what's new at SJ Games on Sunday. (Yes, that will include Munchkin Axe Cop -- calm down, people!)

May 20-22: MobiCon (Mobile, Alabama). I've never spent more than an hour or so in Mobile, so I'm looking forward to this, and I know the gang there has some great panels and games planned for us.

July 21-24: San Diego Comic-Con (San Diego, duh). I haven't been back to SDCC since 2002, when we were pushing the Hellboy RPG, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how the con has changed. (Hint: It's bigger.) We're thinking about putting together a mini-tour of Southern California game stores before the show; if you're in the LA-SD area and have a favorite store, let us know!

August 4-7: GenCon (Indianapolis). This is always a big show for us, and this year in addition to Munchkin Zombies and Munchkin Zombies 2, we'll be demoing Munchkin Axe Cop and plenty of other things, too! (Special Munchkin bonus: Steve will be attending, for the first time in a LONG time, to help us celebrate Munchkin's tenth anniversary!)

August 26-28: PAX Prime (Seattle). What's to say about PAX except ZOMG? We'll be doing the demo thing and we just might have the 2012 Munchkincore set ready for playtest at the show . . .

September 14-16: ACD Game Day (Madison, Wisconsin). This is a distributor show, not a game convention per se, but I'm including it because (1) it gives us a chance for valuable face time with John Kovalic, and (2) it's my first ever time in Madison and I'm looking forward to meeting Bill at Pegasaurus Games. John assures me this won't be a problem.

October 20-23: Essen Spiel (Essen, Germany). I've been wanting to go to this show for over a decade, so I'm VERY excited about this. I've never been to Germany and haven't even been to Europe since the mid-1990s . . . this is going to be a great trip. I'm looking forward for a chance to talk with our European licensees about our 2012 plans, and even more important, to talk to our European Munchkin fans!

That's all that's on my calendar right now, but Dragon*Con doesn't conflict with PAX for the first time in years (and who needs sleep, really?), RinCon in Tucson this October is looking very possible, and there's an outside chance that I might brave the elements for a return trip to PureSpec in Edmonton, since they moved it a full month after Essen this year. Edmonton's still nice and warm in November, right?

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