Munchkin Scheduling: A Game Unto Itself

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We work very hard to plan our Munchkin releases months in advance. Right now, in fact, we're working more than a year ahead, to make sure you have monster-killing goodness on a regular schedule.

That's great for us. But sometimes, we juggle things around.

For instance, last week, I got summoned to a meeting in Steve's office, where Phil and Steve wanted to know what I thought about a new Munchkin idea. I told them I thought it was fantastic and we should totally make it happen for next summer.

And so we are. We'll have to step nimbly and move quickly to make it work, and it means that at least one of the things that was on the 2011 schedule will probably fall into 2012, but that's just the way things work sometimes . . . even when you're planning more than a year ahead. If the idea is good enough, it's worth the pain.

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