Munchkin Starfinder Kill-O-Meter

Designed by Steve Jackson • Developed by Andrew Hackard • Illustrated by Howard Tayler

One Kill-O-Meter, four cards, and a rulesheet in a bag.
Suggested Retail Price $9.95
Stock # SJG5625 * UPC 080742099944
August 2018

When you're traveling from planet to planet on adventures, you don't have time to stop and recalculate your combat strength during every monster fight. That's where the Munchkin Starfinder Kill-O-Meter comes in. Adjust the dials every time a card hits the table during a fight, and the outcome will always be clear as the stars.

This Kill-O-Meter comes with four special Munchkin Starfinder bonus cards. Take it home to your spaceship today.


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